


黃媽媽的故事──韌性 ◎Toathaulian《TGB通訊》第38期

3 則留言:

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Hello Noya

Your cat Amou is very lovely. He makes me think of my cousin Leo. Have seen him on our blog (http://chenes-verts.blogspot.com/2007/03/cher-lo.html) ?
Besides this cake of Taiwan looks beautiful and delicious. Lucie told me it's soap. I can't believe it !

匿名 提到...

Sorry, I correct my second sentence in the previous message.

Have you seen him on our blog (http://chenes-verts.blogspot.com/2007/03/cher-lo.html) ?

我是貓 提到...

Hi, Yves

Yes, I have seen him, he is so cute. How old is him now?
Lucie told me that you love cats very much.
Amou let us laugh and enjoy life everyday.